Standard 1 to 10 will have assessments as per the directives of the CBSE in all subjects each term/semester. The grades of these assessments will be considered for the purpose of promotion .Parents should note that the promotion to the next higher class is based on the performance in all assignments; formative and summative and also daily work, assignments and projects.Standard 1 to 10 will have assessments as per the directives of the CBSE in all subjects each term/semester. The grades of these assessments will be considered for the purpose of promotion .Parents should note that the promotion to the next higher class is based on the performance in all assignments; formative and summative and also daily work, assignments and projects.
No student should be absent for any test or examination without valid reason. No retest will be conducted.
Students failing to put in 85% attendance will not be considered for promotion. Students indulging in any malpractice during assessments will be seriously dealt with. If anyone is found copying, zero will be awarded in that paper.